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San Rafael, CA 94903
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Nazare Mars.AI

Nazare Mars.AI
Friday, Febuary 28 7pm
$35, $25 students and seniors (Marin Center Fees included)

Welcome to Nazare Mars AI.

Nazare Mars AI is an exploration of Mars on Earth and will become one of the most innovative & futuristic brands of this era. We offer new ideas for fire-resistant building materials from our local sustainable mining operations. We create cutting edge technologies, hardware products, software products & services. We harvest rare specialty materials that are affordable on these 700 acres of land. We recently started production of Organic Healthy Produce and now building a revolutionary Healing Center in Gold Country Nevada City, California.

In addition, Elon Musk, now having access to government check book, that will approve major funding for additional federal support for our project. Star-Ship Space flights will bring in billions in new funding to colonize the planet Mars within 5 years by 2030, Musk says. We have the knowledge’ to build a Mars Resort first here on Earth with major support. This trillion-dollar acquisition that will push our brand forward. Nazare Mars AI will be recognized consciously and internationally. We will be reinvesting profits in the future of our younger generations. While we introduce futuristic capital strategic investment strategies with decentralization futures trading with high value returns triple beam.

“Wait to see our Mars architectural designs.”

Cary Gunn
Innovative Engineer

Copyright & Patent Trademark Nazare Mars AI

Marin Center Showcase Theatre
20 Ave of the Flags
San Rafael, CA 94903
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